Container for the scroll indicator
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48097356 |
(Toolbox on Top Service Deck) |
48099941 |
(Partial Bale Eject) |
Fitted in addition to Standard Bale Eject. Two tines on each rail will eject a bale sticking out of the bale chamber without touching the (untied) bale in process.
MY 2018-2021 |
47964855 |
(Partial Bale Eject) |
84101701 |
(Quick Fill Pump) |
Using the grease reservoir Fill Pump prevents dust and dirt contamination inside the greasing circuit during refill.
MY 2018-2021 |
84600138 |
(Mechanical Bale Counter) |
In addition to the Bale Counter functions provided on your monitor, a Mechanical Bale Counter can be installed on the baler.
MY 2018-2021 |
47361569 |
(Pneumatic Knotter) (Blow-off) |
48043464 |
(ActiveWeigh™) (Bale Weighing System) |
Highly accurate (+/2%) weighing on-the-go, without slowing down or stopping the baling process. Isolation of the bale from next bale and non-weighing part of bale chute. Can handle different bale dimensions. Can cope with different crops and crop conditions. Functions independently of slopes or machine movements.
MY 2018-2021 |
47976967 |
(ActiveWeigh™) (Bale Weighing System) |
Highly accurate (+/2%) weighing on-the-go, without slowing down or stopping the baling process. Isolation of the bale from next bale and non-weighing part of bale chute. Can handle different bale dimensions. Can cope with different crops and crop conditions. Functions independently of slopes or machine movements.
MY 2018-2021 |
48149845 |
(Camera) + (Additional Monitor) |
51428551 |
(Moisture Sensor) (Rub Pad) |
Dual rub pad type moisture sensor, displays on the go moisture content workscreen. Moisture capture in logging isoXML (option).
MY 2018-2021 |
47602288 |
(Pneumatic Knotter Blow-off) (With Compressor) |
Pneumatic knotter blow off including compressor, to be used in combination with tractors without pneumatic brakes.
MY 2018-2021 |
47602289 |
(Pneumatic Knotter Blow-off) (With Compressor) |
48094181 |
(Roller Bale Chute) |
For smooth bale drop and in cab bale drop indication. The chute is lifted and lowered hydraulically from the back of the baler.
MY 2018-2021 |
48024685 |
(Roller Bale Chute) |
For smooth bale drop and in cab bale drop indication. The chute is lifted and lowered hydraulically from the back of the baler.
MY 2018-2021 |

Find a dealer and order your new baler upgrade!
Pictures shown in this publication are for illustration purpose only. Please see your local dealer for model applicability and correct Part Number for your machine.
Container for the dynamic page
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